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Writer's pictureMichael Romond

7 Ways to Improve Productivity and Efficiency at Work

Through the course of a normal workday, many people are surprised by research and self-research on what productive work gets done through the workday and where their time goes during the workday. Leaving many to wonder why some people get more done and get promoted more often than them. One approach in understanding how to combat this difference is increasing one's' self-awareness at work and here are 7 researched and scientifically proven methods that help increase work productivity and efficiency.

1. Goal Setting

Set reasonable goals, be a realist with goals, a simple yet organized method is the use of S.M.A.R.T., Specific Measureable Attainable Realistic and Timebound, goal setting and reverse engineer the goal with milestones and timelines to take daily productive actions to accomplish the end-goal.

For example, to make a goal of earning $10k a month in the next 6 months from an online side business. Thus, from this end-goal monthly actions are broken down into making approximately $1,700 a month, the first month, then scaling the business. One method of many would-be testing and trying marketing techniques to increase leads, then noticing what works and what doesn't to make the positive changes.

2. Manage Your Day

Through the workday, it may be hard to juggle the tasks that arrive to be completed, however, many of the tasks have no actual importance at the current time of delivery. Thus, manage the day by understanding what activities are important that produce actual productivity. Understanding the 80/20 rule or otherwise known as the Pareto Principle, has been studied and has statistically shown the importance of applying this understanding to work, business, and life. Through this understanding and identifying the actual activities that matter, work production can be increased and days can be more productive with even reducing time at work.

3. Ditch Digital Distractions

Studies on cell phone distractions have shown, checking your social media updates and messages on your cell phone can distract an individual for a minimum of 11 minutes, even more, to regain focus on the same level of productivity before the distraction. Having set times to check social media can help combat the urge of checking social media distractions, however, not only setting the times but also establishing the duration of the cell phone interaction.

4. Saying No

Having the ability to say NO to miscellaneous conversation and tasks, entails confidence in your ability to state your position and your importance to your co-workers. Not only does this position you as a professional individual but, you'll be respected more and be able to accomplish more at work.

Being able to say NO with a balance of art and science can help you prevent coming off as rude and uncivil to your coworkers. Thus, to help prevent this, explain that you have to finish this current task right away, then you will get back to them, most of the time they figure the problem out on their own or nor important enough to get attention and is forgotten.

5. Take Breaks

Working on specific tasks or projects for too long can decrease work productivity and quality, one study has shown that constant specific task-oriented work that is done for more than 90 mins, if not in optimal flow state becomes nonproductive. Thus, have an awareness of your productivity levels and when they start going down to optimize your break periods to regain productivity.

One effective type of break is to separate yourself from the work when stuck or frustrated, by going for a simple walk or doing yoga to get the blood pumping to separate the mind from the problem and have blood pumping to the brain can help refresh a perspective and create a re-energized workflow of productivity.

6. Change or Improve Your Environment

Take an assessment of your environment around you, are there distractions that prevent you from working effectively and efficiently, like chatty co-workers, distracting music, a high traffic area. If so see if you can change your work center to another area that gives you more privacy in completing work, but still allows you to engage in rich work conversations that can help you leverage your ability to contribute and gain insight.

If you can't change your work area or are simply looking to improve it add items that are pleasing to you that can help increase your work production. For example, have a plant, pictures, or items that help you to disconnect from work for a few seconds that put a smile on your face and that can spark creativity.

7. Perfection Paralysis

Soo many people get stuck trying to perfect a project or job task, this perfection paralysis can delay work and cause doubt in one's ability to perform. Avoid this pitfall by setting your standard before the project start and knowing what the end product will have, then leverage another person to make adjustments towards improvement.

Through learning, these methods of increasing your self-awareness at work, and being able to impact your environment and position at work, more and more co-workers will begin to see a shift in your professionalism and your productivity. With this increased professionalism and productivity, you become an asset at work that then begins to be in a position to negotiate more deals and receive higher pay. Here at Strategiez when selecting us to help you, we develop tailored strategies to help you on your path towards success as either a business owner or someone looking to improve your position at work.

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