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Writer's pictureMichael Romond

What is organizational behavior and how can I use it to increase performance?

Have you ever experienced or been apart of a company when compared to other companies, you begin to wonder, how is this organization performing better or worse than my own? If so, you were examining the elements of organizational behavior.

Organizational behavior is a term often used by Industrial/Organizational psychologists and other experts in the field of behavioral strategies for organizations. However, more specific to the realm of I/O psychology, also expressed as business psychology the key areas of concentration in organizational behavior are focused around training, recruitment, ergonomics, work performance, work-life quality, and developing the organization (Cherry, 2019). From these areas, I/O psychologists and consultants can examine the critical elements that define a high-performance oriented organization and devise strategies for improvement.

For example, in assessing the training program of an organization, the reasoning of what you put into your new employees is what you get in production and performance, has shown there is a positive direct correlation in the relationship of these two elements (Jayaram & Xu, 2016). However, the critical variable of knowing what type of training would produce the most effective environment for transference into job performance is the skill an I/O psychologist and consultant has.

Another perspective to investigate when understanding organizational behavior is knowing how to identify and measure the performance of an organization. From this perspective, performance can be measured both from internal organizational and external industry marks. For example, internally the performance can be viewed from production and quality levels of a product or service and the external performance marks can be examined by market shares and customer satisfaction.

Thus, being able to understand which performance marks are needed to be evaluated for implementing improvement actions, is a necessity for an organization to remain competitive. Therefore, having an awareness of what to look for and having the knowledge on how to evaluate/increase performance are the foundational principals in organizational behavior. Hence, the added benefit of having access to I/O psychologists and consultants that specialize in organizational behavior is not only a strategic advantage but also a necessity for organization growth and even sustainability.

In understanding the importance of organizational behavior and how the field of I/O psychology can help a company, here at Strategiez LLC we take this understanding and seek to define the key elements needed for improvement to create organizational behaviors' that are regarded as high-performance behaviors. So feel free to reach out and ask questions on this material and/or request a free introductory consultation to help define the needs necessary for your organization to grow.

To your success,



Cherry, K. (2019). The Basics of Industrial-Organizational Psychology. Retrieved from:

Jayaram, J., & Xu, K. (2016). Determinants of quality and efficiency performance in service operations. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 36(3), 264-285.

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